
There are a variety of ways to serve the Lord and our community at Christ Church. Please consider investing your talents, time and desire to serve in one of our ministries.

Liturgical Ministries

Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers

Lectors read the appointed Lesson for the day.  Eucharistic Ministers assist the Celebrant during all Eucharist services as they lead readings and administer the chalice during Holy Communion. These individuals are confirmed communicants in good standing and are licensed by the Bishop.

Adult Choir

The choir is a choral ensemble of four vocal parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.  They lead the congregation in singing hymns and service music.  An offertory anthem is sung each week.  Solos and duets are sung during the summer months of July and August.

New members are invited to attend and are always welcome.

Altar Guild

The purpose of the Altar Guild is to make certain that all linens, vestments, necessary vessels, supplies, and the table are ready for each service.  The Guild operates on a rotating schedule of teams throughout the year. These faithful people are under the guidance of the Altar Guild director who reports to the Rector.


This ministry is important to the flow of any service.  Ushers greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, help find seats, and give guidance to anyone not familiar with our church or service. During the service they manage its flow, especially during the offertory and communion. They also call the Sunday school during the peace to join the worship.  Following the service, ushers straighten up the sanctuary. Ushers volunteer on a sign-up schedule.

Outreach Ministries


Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The mission of this group is “spreading Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, scripture, and service.” The Brotherhood meets for a monthly Bible study and leads a Bible study at the Delaware Veterans Home twice monthly.

Outreach Committee

This committee supports community based needs brought to their attention.  The Outreach Committee assumes the responsibility of the Diocesan Episcopal Church Woman’s UTO In-Gathering and Outreach Programs. In addition to the budgeted monies, the Outreach Committee oversees an asset account. These monies have been donated to Christ Church specifically to be used for outreach. All are welcomed to participate.

Youth Group

The Youth Group’s mission is “Faith. Fellowship. Fun. For Others.” They participate in a wide variety of events from fundraisers to community service projects and typically meet on weekends. Members are in grades 6 and up.